lifeimitatesmeme · 6 months ago
Run outside. Run and hide.
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(clipped image of Cinder from the wonderfully eerie illustration "Late visit" by Marc Simonetti)
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enragedandy · 2 years ago
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thurgon · 11 months ago
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Cinder of the Chandrian,
from Patrick Rothfuss "The Kingkiller Chronicle".
by James Zapata
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wanderingcotabussurgetank · 2 years ago
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Kingkiller Chronicles Character Designs. The Chandrians! by Agustin Zanetti
Haliax The leader of the Chandrian
Grey Dalcenti
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cinderchandrian-blog · 6 years ago
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Cinder from Kingkiller Chronicle, commissioned by me from great ;)
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phoibos-okeanos · 4 years ago
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Cyphus bears the blue flame.
Stercus is in thrall of iron.
Ferule chill and dark of eye.
Usnea lives in nothing but decay.
Grey Dalcenti never speaks.
Pale Alenta brings the blight.
Last there is the lord of the seven:
Hated. Hopeless. Sleepless. Sane.
Alaxel bears the shadow's hame.
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acicueta · 5 years ago
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Cinder by JamesZapata
The kingkiller Chronicles
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sunlit-music · 5 years ago
I’ve never seen the word Cinder the same way after reading the Kingkiller Chronicles books.
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
Haliax: Did you just refer to a knife as a people opener?
Cinder: Should I not have?
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sarenite · 6 years ago
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"As above, so below!"
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incorrectkingkillerquotes · 7 years ago
Cinder: Know the best way to kill troupers?
Haliax: How?
Cinder: You take out the jugular
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logarithmicpanda · 2 years ago
Let's obsessively analyse notw, part 2!
- Over 6 chapters, Kote is mentioned "paging through a book" 3 times which is not anything that interesting aside that i never noticed before lol
- Lackless likes her riddle ravelling I wonder if that's a reference to the way ruh are sometimes called ravel? So lady Lackless in that song is not just someone from Kvothe's mother's family, but Kvothe's mom herself (like damn imagine the running into your own kid singing about how you're a cold bitch who wouldn't sleep with her own husband but ran off with a ruh?) Speaking off, it sounds like she was actually married before meeting Kvothe's dad 👀
- Always think about what you're singing, honey that quote always breaks my heart
- When you wait a few span or month to hear a finished song, the anticipation adds savour. But after a year excitement begins to sour. By now, a year and a half had passed and folk were almost mad with curiosity. Oh my dude you had no idea, eh?
- Kvothe's dad seem to have an idea of why the Chandrian do what they do. It's interesting I never really focused on that before, I assumed it was more because it revealed a connection to Lanre and maybe exposed their true names/signs
- I think Folly is Cinder's sword? I don't know why I never thought all that much about it (lies, it's because I care less about the plot than the lore lol) but it might mean Kvothe manages to actually kill Cinder...
- what makes the Chandrian run, exactly? Kvothe feels watched too
- Tarbean being too big to be able to walk from one end to the other in a day means it's freaking massive???
- More people died at Drossen Tor than there are living in the world today that's... An interesting piece of information. That and the cities having tall buildings... In many ways, the world Kvothe is seems post apocalyptic, what with the magics Kilvin shows him that no one knows how to reproduce anymore
- I am Haliax and no door bars my passing what if the Kvothe does not, in fact, open the doors of stone, but closes them with Haliax on the other side?
- the fire settled on their foreheads like silver stars and they became at once righteous and wise and terrible to behold just tucking that one aside because it's tickling my memory of something else
- Skarpi addresses both the Justice and Kvothe by their names without seemingly them being given, so I really think he's at least a namer, maybe a shaper, most likely one of the Amyr. I wonder if it's through him that Kvothe finds them...
- I'm also fairly certain that it's being called by his name, more than the story itself, that causes Kvothe to finally "wake" again
I'm going to stop here for that post - it leaves us right before Kvothe leaves for the university and I want to pay special attention to Denna's introduction
Writing wise, we have a couple present time chapters that cut through the main narrative, highlighting some things (like the fact Kvothe is a liar). Most chapters are rather short. Obviously the level of detail per sentence has lowered since the first chapter, but there's still a fair amount of random details thrown in without explanation, and i think that contributes to the feeling it's a live world. Not all information is immediately relevant, but it weaves a tapestry of the culture
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josep42ny · 7 years ago
"Someone's parents have been singing entirely the wrong sort of songs"
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felcandy · 8 years ago
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Drew Cinder, one of the Chandrian from the Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. Was asked to post it on tumblr by a fellow fb fan group member!
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phoibos-okeanos · 4 years ago
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“When the hearthfire turns to blue,
What to do? What to do?
Run outside. Run and hide
When your bright sword turns to rust?
Who to trust? Who to trust?
Stand alone. Standing stone.
See a woman pale as snow?
Silent come and silent go.
What’s their plan? What’s their plan?
Chandrian. Chandrian.
When the hearthfire turns to blue,
What to do? What to do?
Run outside. Run and hide.
When his eyes are black as crow?
Where to go? Where to go?
Near and far. Here they are.
See a man without a face?
Move like ghosts from place to place.
What’s their plan? What’s their plan?
Chandrian. Chandrian.”
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druggeddraccus · 4 years ago
I think Kvothe will kill Cinder but not the Chandrian. like the cinder fight could be a dope Princess Bride Inigo fight, but I don't see him taking the all down. I'm sure something will happen to Haliax, but no idea what. Also I still think Folly is Cinders sword.
Ooooh I’ve never thought of that before—folly being cinder’s sword, that’s a cool theory.
And yah I don’t think he’ll get all of them either
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